Fitlet2 Windows Watchdog Guide
From fit-PC wiki
Watchdog Setup in Windows
1. Watchdog installation:
- Installs and enables the watchdog timer in OS mode with a default timeout of 60 seconds. Once OS failure has occurred, and watchdog service stopped responding, after timeout period computer will restart.
- Run the fitlet2_Watchdog.exe file and follow the on-screen instructions
Watchdog Usage in Windows
- Open the Command Prompt (CMD) in Administrator Mode
- Browse to the Watchdog folder (C:\Watchdog)
- Run the watchdog.exe file with appropriate arguments:
watchdog [command] [time]
[command] enable - Enables the watchdog and sets its time period to the value specified in the 'time' argument
disable - Disables the watchdog
help - Displays this help
[time] Time in seconds. Supported range [20-600]
watchdog enable 60 - Enable watchdog and set its period to 60 sec
watchdog disable - Disable watchdog
2. Watchdog uninstall:
- Open the Watchdog folder in the Start Menu
- Click on the Uninstall Watchdog icon
- Restart the computer