
WiFi Indoor Location Device (WILD) software

527 bytes added, 06:57, 27 February 2019
/* FTMR Backhaul */
The wired interfaces configured as '''auto & dhcp''' must be connected to the LAN at the boot time.<br>
Otherwise the device will experience a boot delay.
== FTMR Transmit Location Data ==
* Configuration file: '''/opt/compulab/service/ftm-common'''
Contains the SERVERS list to send the scan results file :'''/opt/compulab/www/'''l
SERVERS=(http://localhost/cpl/curl.php http://wild-server/hard/curl.php)
* FTM ranged service: '''/opt/compulab/service/ftm-range.main'''
The service walks through the SERVERSs' list and send the scan results to each one:
for SERVER in ${SERVERS[@]};do
curl -d @${iw_scan}/results.all ${SERVER} &>/dev/null
== FTMR SoftAP ==