Last modified on 2 May 2018, at 13:41

IPC2 Broadwell BIOS update

The following procedure suitable IPC2 computers equipped with Intel Core gen 5 (Broadwell) processors.
Suitable for all OS: Windows 7/8, Linux in non-UEFI>

BIOS update procedure

  1. Download the latest IPC2 Broadwell BIOS ROM files
  2. Extract the image file from the archive.
  3. Prepare bootable USB flash drive:
    • Windows users - use Win32DiskImager utility: Win32DiskImager
    • Linux users:
      • Run this command to figure out what device name was assigned to the USB drive: $ ls -all /dev/disk/by-id/
      • Assuming the USB drive was detected as /dev/sdx write the image on it by typing: $ sudo dd if=filename.img of=/dev/sdx bs=1MB
  4. Boot IPC2 from the USB Flash.
  5. When boots up into FreeDOS command line run: BIOS_UPD.bat and wait for it's completion without errors.
  6. After the system will boot again into FreeDOS command line run: ME_LOCK.bat and wait for it's completion without errors.
  7. Wait until message "Please disconnect this system from power for 15 sec for completion".
  8. Power cycle the computer.