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  • fit-statUSB is a programmable fingernail-size color LED that plugs into a USB port.
  • fit-statUSB provides status indication by changing the LED color, brightness and color cycle.
  • fit-statUSB identifies to the PC as a serial device and changes the LED color by text commands received over the serial port.
  • See fit-statUSB product page



Commands to fit-statUSB are sent over serial port. No need to configure the baudrate, fit-statUSB adjusts automatically. Each command ends with a LF and executed immediately.

Set color

  • RR | GG | BB - HEX value of red, green, blue respectively

fit-statUSB will set the intensity of each of the colors.

To set dim green


To set bright yellow combine red and green


Set color sequence

Set a sequence of alternating colors. The sequence will cycle endlessly until a new color command is entered.

  • RR | GG | BB - HEX value of red, green, blue respectively
  • tttt - time until next color is displayed

Pulsing red color


Alternating red-blue


Cycle of red 0.1 sec - yellow 0.1 sec -white 1 sec - off 0.3 sec


Set color transition period

Set how quickly current color fades to the next color.

  • nnnn - transition time in mS. Permitted values: 0001 (immediate) to 9999 (slowest transition, 10 seconds)

Transition period is persistent until a new F command is entered.
For B command the F value will determine transition period between colors.

other (less common) commands

  • P - Enter Device firmware update mode
  •  ? - Return device UUID #
  • G - Return current color, (rr,gg,bb)

Using fit-statUSB in Windows


Using fit-statUSB from terminal

  • Open a terminal utility with serial port support (e.g. Teraterm)
  • Establish new connection to the serial port assigned to fit-statUSB (in TeraTerm: File --> New connection --> Serial (select COMn: USB Serial Device)
  • Type a command, e.g. #FF0000 (fit-statUSB should turn RED)

Note there is no command editing (no backspace / delete). If you mistype please start a new command.

Using fit-statUSB from command line

echo [command] > \\.\[com port]
  • [command] - the command sent to fit-statUSB over serial
  • [com port] - the COM port assigned to fit-statUSB

Example: Assuming fit-statUSB is on COM10 the following command will set fit-statUSB color to red:

echo #FF0000 > \\.\COM10

Detect COM port of fit-statUSB

From Device Manager

Under device manager | Ports (COM & LPT)
look for

USB Serial Device (COMn)
  • n - COM port number

From command line

To identify which COM port is assigned to fit-statUSB use mode command


You will receive a list of COM ports. fit-statUSB listing on COM10 looks like that:

Status for device COM10:
   Baud:            9600
   Parity:          None
   Data Bits:       8
   Stop Bits:       1
   Timeout:         ON
   XON/XOFF:        OFF
   CTS handshaking: OFF
   DSR handshaking: OFF
   DSR sensitivity: OFF
   DTR circuit:     OFF
   RTS circuit:     OFF


powershell "$fitstatUSB= new-Object System.IO.Ports.SerialPort [com port]; $; $fitstatUSB.WriteLine('[command]'); $fitstatUSB.Close()"
  • [command] - the command sent to fit-statUSB over serial
  • [com port] - the COM port assigned to fit-statUSB

Example: Assuming fit-statUSB is on COM10 the following command will set fit-statUSB color to red:

powershell "$fitstatUSB= new-Object System.IO.Ports.SerialPort COM10; $; $fitstatUSB.WriteLine('#FF0000'); $fitstatUSB.Close()"

Using fit-statUSB in Linux

Using fit-statUSB from terminal

Using Bash Command line

  • First you need to configure the Serial port
sudo stty -F /dev/ttyACM0 9600 raw -echo -echoe -echok -echoctl -echoke
  • Send the command directly to the TYY port
echo "B#FF0000-1000#00FF00-500" > /dev/ttyACM0

- Please note that some Linux distributions will require sudo privileges to echo directly to serial

Sample Python code

  • Python dependencies: pyserial
import serial
ser = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyACM0") ser.write(b"B#FF0000-500#00FF00-500#0000FF-500\n") ser.close()

- Note that new line must be addded at the end of the command String

Detect fit-statUSB Serial Port

To Detect the system assigned TTY device:

sudo dmesg 

Look for fit_StatUSB String and its assigned TTY device

Example of dmesg command output

Application notes