Last modified on 12 April 2015, at 08:20


Revision as of 08:20, 12 April 2015 by Irads (Talk | contribs) (What resolutions fit-Headless and fit-Headless 4K support?)

What problem fit-Headless solves?

On Mac Mini Server

Screen sharing on a Mac Mini Server that has no display attached (headless) is low-resolution and slow.

On a headless PC

One of the key requirements in using a PC without a display attached (headless PC) is remote desktop access, but in many cases configuring the headless PC to support high resolution remote desktop proves to be so challenging that sometimes users connect a display to the PC just to be able to have remote desktop access!

How fit-Headless solves the problem?

fit-Headless is a small, low-cost HDMI plug that emulates a high resolution display. Once plugged, the Mac Mini / PC detects a connected display and enables the GPU. With the GPU enabled, screen-sharing / remote desktop access can work in high resolution.

What resolutions fit-Headless and fit-Headless 4K support?

Under different OS (Windows, OSX and Linux) available resolutions may vary. Available resolutions depend on OS, display driver and GPU capabilities.

How can I get more resolutions with fit-Headless 4K on OSX?

To unleash the full potential of fit-Headless 4K under OSX we recommend the freeware utility "Display Menu" available on iTunes App Store. In most cases fit-Headless 4K will support up to 30 different resolutions:

Please also see the explanations and notes on fit-pc website:

Google+ page that shows the resolutions related to OSX operation:

Can I increase refresh rate?

Maybe, but it has no meaning. fit-Headless is connected to the host that streams the desktop through the network to the client PC.

  • The screen refresh rate the user is seeing is defined by the client, not the host.
  • The actual refresh rate of the host-remote-desktop-window is limited by the network capabilities and not by the host refresh rate.