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Enabling wireless using command line

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:04 pm
by mjk
Fit-PC2, Ubuntu 8.04LTS. I would like to start using the RT2860STA module and wireless hardware provided and work wirelessly. I prefer to work at the command line. Having spent far too many hours trying to understand /etc/network/interfaces and the RT2860STA.dat file and the difference between iwconfig and iwpriv and how on earth to pair with my Orange Livebox, I confess I am stumped. Anyone out there with a torch on the subject? What's so frustrating is that "iwlist ra0 scan" clearly shows the hardware is capable of identifying all the access points in my neighbourhood, so I'm sure it's all capable of working - it's just me who isn't working!

Re: Enabling wireless using command line

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 12:58 pm
by gmv100
Frustrating, isn't it? I spent a lot of time scratching my head over this too.

As I understand it the RT2860STA module can be compiled to support either the GUI network manager OR the command line tools. The one provided in the Fit-PC repositories is compiled for GUI network manager support. The command line tools will talk to the driver and, as you found, will return a valid scan of access points, but trying to connect to a network doesn't seem to have any effect.

You can try getting the sources for the RT2860STA modules and compile your own module, or do as I did and learn to live with the GUI!

Best regards,

Re: Enabling wireless using command line

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 1:02 pm
by mjk
Thanks, Gareth. I had a feeling that that was the Hobson's choice!

Re: Enabling wireless using command line

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:48 pm
by mjk
So I commented out the RT2860STA module name in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist to allow the wireless driver to be linked at boot, used rcconf to likewise allow GNOME to be started up at boot, connected my screen, keyboard, mouse and radio antenna and waited expectantly. Unfortunately no sign of any wireless networks. Once again ran "iwlist scan" and got a whole heap of info. I was expecting to see a list of wireless networks that I could choose from, but not a single one. So I reversed all the previous and am back working with my wonderful little FIT-PC2 server, but NOT wirelessly! Think I'll walt and try again with one of those new FIT-PC2i thingies when they come out.

Re: Enabling wireless using command line

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:55 pm
by gmv100
Are you saying you were not able to connect to your network using NetworkManager in the Gnome GUI? This works fine for me - I'm even getting a 150Mbps connection on my 802.11n network.
Just to be clear, you won't be able to get the command line tools to work unless you recompile the RT2860STA driver. However, it should work with the GUI tool.

Re: Enabling wireless using command line

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:21 am
by mjk
Network Manager didn't show any of the local access points whereas "iwlist scan" showed them loud and clear! I had a lot of trouble trying to disable wireless when I was working with a wired connection (see my other mail). Perhaps all the enabling and disabling upset Network Manager! It should be possible to re-instal but to be honest I've spent far too much time on this issue and, for me, there are other more pressing things to get on with. Thanks for your interest.