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fsck fails - exit satus 4

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 10:11 pm
by zabdiel

My new (approx 1 month old) fit PC is giving the error "fsck died with exit status 4" approx one boot in 5. I then run a manual fsck which fixes various inodes and reports some errors reading blocks. I've selected the default option to all of the questions it has asked each time.

I killed the power without shutting the OS down b mistake a couple of times the first week I had it (trying to move the machine while powered up and the power lead fell out), but other than that I've not noticed any other problems.

Does this indicate that something is wrong with the disk? Is there anyway of stopping it doing this? It's a bit of a pain when I (or my wife) want(s) to fire up the computer to quickly look up something online.



Re: fsck fails - exit satus 4

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:51 pm
by zabdiel
An update - it carried on doing this and also started running really slowly when my wife logged on. I did some more digging an it looks like there is a problem with the disk :(

I've contacted support and they are going to arrange for a replacement :)